A meme with my ocs, Monty and his girlfriend Clarissa.
Neophron in the background 🦅

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I'll just pop neophron in here 😊. These are his current aesthetics snd inspirations but he was originally made in 2013 with some significant design changes since.

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We came to dispose of the... evidence.

Europe's 4 vultures.
© K. Wolfram 2021

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I have this one. It's a little bit older but I'm still incredibly proud of it.
A neophron alien-bird mother teaching her birber some mathematical nursery rhymes.

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Such a beautiful owl character, I love how he combines owl and anthro anatomy, his legs are beautiful <3

I would be interested into an art trade, if you like my style? I would offer my Neophron bird aliens for the trade.

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Not quite sure where I want to go with this one, but fire + Neophron is a beautiful combination I have to draw.

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Ms. Mary Mold(Neophron percnopterus)


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After looking at all my artworks of Neophron I'm very satisfied of how their head shape evolved. It went from "Egyptian Vulture with four eyes" to a more trapezoid and solid form, and I really like that.

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