Starting my Spring paintings now that the blossoms and Magnolias are blooming.🌸📷 Details of Hanami, Magnolia & Nasturtiums artworks from 2020.

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for a scrapped idea.
She's so mystical!
And frightening!

And... actually very trendy!


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Nothing like a walk in the park 🌱 the birds, the trees, the ominous eyes, the dirt under your paws 🐾 & even planted cool trees in our game for me!

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Q: Is this an artist's interpretation of our Insta? 🎨 A good reminder to go follow us over on Insta? 📷 Or new info board design? 📑

A: yes

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Oh no! Jerry's stuck in your feed! ...Or maybe he's not in your feed at all? 🤔 Show us where our lovely handyman REALLY got to by tagging in your creations 🎨

10 11

Prom's finished Run Up-Right animation.
Where do you guys think she's running to? 🤔

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