NFT Skeptic to NFT Startup Founder.

didn't fully get the point of NFTs in the early days. But when he did, he literally aped in, buying his first BAYC. Today, he is the co-founder of NFT infra startup, .

This is his founder story and how NF3x was born.

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2 4

At long last, Tempest the dutchie is done!
This was a long overdue commission for @/F0rsak3nF3ral and was honestly a lot of fun to work on!

I've never really done an asymmetrical design like this before. 💙❤️

Thank you so much for commissioning me!

39 424

Almost filled 3 BAYC pools now. Lfg.

I just staked 7,328 ApeCoin in the BAYC pool on!

1 21

I'm gonna go a head post this before I forget to

I already working on this before I got sick and I just finished coloring it

so have a little 1NF3RN0 charging gif lol

0 0

//Blood Warning\\

ya know I'm surprised I haven posted this yet

I had this for awhile now I guess I forgot to post it lol

I need to draw more art for 1NF3RN0

0 3

Th3 d4rk L0rd's c0nf3ss1on di ijo eng!! Tiap baca rasanya pengen ss mulu soalnya bener2 cantik banget artnya

0 0

IPUTCOFEFEKURAGEINTOMYPOTATOMASHEDCUPOPOPIJ:FFVF#RL>?L>cf,.rmnm,.c fnmck.nf3r.ik,rf .,n d j nnjdghtsnuy

0 1

At NF3 we are also building on , so it felt right to include one of our favourite $Sol projects. Introducing the teaser for our !!! Art piece. 🎉

Degods, please drop yours below and any other Easter eggs that we should feature! 👇

22 101

Here at NF3, we really enjoyed tuning into the spaces hosted by , and . To show our excitement for the future of we are releasing puzzle piece 🎉Can you spot anyone familiar? 👀


1 15


1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 h6 4. d4 exd4 5. O-O Bc5 6. c3 dxc3 7. Bxf7+ Kxf7 8. Qd5+ Kf8 9. Qxc5+ d6 10. Qxc3

0 1


0 1

Theme 1NF3RR3D By
Att57 HTMLS21 Pink Mod By
AE and Wallpaper on background By
HTMLSandbox By
Weather Icons and ShowAE By
Mockup and

15 28

Theme 1NF3RR3D By
San3ar 26 Sun SB By
Wallpaper on Background By
HTMLSandbox By
ShowAE By
Mockup and


15 23


12 26

NO FUTURE回顧録としてNF3周した思い出語りと言う内容でした。ただ絵を描きたかったと言う目的もあったのでウッカリ挿絵が文章スペースを圧迫してました。

16 58

In the Fried Liver Attack (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 d5 5.exd5 Nxd5 6.Nxf7 Kxf7 7.Qf3+ Ke6; see diagram), Black is okay in standard chess, but in hostage chess the line fails: White wins a knight with 8. Bxd5+, since if Black recaptures 8... Qxd5, White plays the hostage

0 3

White move received by (Nf3xd4)

Black move in response: e6-e5

What should White do now? 🤔

Current state of this piece at:

3 11

Tata Steel 第8ラウンド。GrandeliusはCaro-Kannの白番で、7. h5 Bh7 8. Nf3 Nd7を入れずにビショップを交換しています。メインラインとどういう違いがあるのかは難しくてわかりません。

1 0

カロカンツーナイツの有名な失敗形。1. e4 c6 2. Nc3 d5 3. Nf3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. Ng3 Bg6 6. h4 h6 7. Ne5 Bh7 8. Qh5 g6 9. Bc4! e6 10. Qe2! Nf6?? 11. Nxf7! Kxf7 12. Qxe6+ Kg7 13. Qf7#

0 2