The servants of the Scaeth take many forms ..not all of them human.
Bad Pennies - an novel.
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Every night, Sisters Saoirse and Imogen beg their Dadai to read to them from an old story book, Tales From Ramnon. They’re entranced by the mythical creatures described within its weathered pages.

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We had melancholy growing in our backyard alongside the row of dead lemon trees that guarded our house like a platoon of sour soldiers.

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We had melancholy growing in our backyard alongside the row of dead lemon trees that guarded our house like a platoon of sour soldiers.

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We had melancholy growing in our backyard alongside the row of dead lemon trees that guarded our house like a platoon of sour soldiers.

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She leaned over my shoulder, covered my ear, as though she were going to tell me a secret, and bit softly. A shock sliced through my core, every central organ, and slammed down in my lap with a rush.

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She wore her favorite housedress of pale yellow cotton with wild roses so faded, they hid demurely in their own pattern of green leaves.

Beyond the Screen Door by

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She wore her favorite housedress of pale yellow cotton with wild roses so faded, they hid demurely in their own pattern of green leaves.

Beyond the Screen Door by

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"She wore her favorite housedress of pale yellow cotton with wild roses so faded, they hid demurely in their own pattern of green leaves."

Beyond the Screen Door by

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