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Oohwee!, another long day. Starting with Bernards MOT, she got an advisory for 'arthritis' so that was a bit rubbish.
Then spent much of the rest of the day admin'in #YAY
And now, I've just finished building and testing a bunch of stuff you'll see on youtubes soonish.
happy 50th birthday to my lord and saviour, Rivers Cuomo, AKA Weezus. this man is one of the reasons why i'm still on this planet!
@RiversCuomo @Weezer #riverscuomo #weezer #HappyBirthday #KeepinItWeezy #oohweeoohilookjustlikebuddyholly #fanart #emo #weezus
Ooohwee! I'm playing in a Dragon Heist adventure this weekend! Now to decide what to play as...