🎇Sorcerous Stabber Orphen

▶️ Folge 13 : https://t.co/s1FrDHuKLX

Orphen, Majic und Claiomh ziehen zum Turm, um sich mit dem Wall-Zirkel einen Kampf zu liefern. Jedoch werden sie bereits von Highdurant, Swaine und Winby erwartet.

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🎇Sorcerous Stabber Orphen

▶️ Episode 11 : https://t.co/S6bkoXE9la

Claiomh tries to cook some food to nurse Orphen back to health, but it might be doing more harm than good. Orphen and Leticia take Majic to the Tower of Fangs so he can enroll.

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🎇Sorcerous Stabber Orphen

▶️ Folge 11 : https://t.co/AKbBUNdJQF

Ein Messerstecher vom Turm verschafft sich Zugang in Leticias Anwesen, wo er von Orphen überrascht wird.

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🎇Sorcerous Stabber Orphen

▶️ Episode 4 : https://t.co/5yLILYUbTt

Orphen remembers more of his past at the Tower of Fangs and a time when he and Azalie ventured back to the orphanage where they grew up.

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🎇Sorcerous Stabber Orphen

▶️ Episode 3 : https://t.co/74zuVL2NXq

Orphen goes with Childman and the other Black Sorcerers in order to try to track down Azalie before they can kill her.

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