is my favorite thing I ever created cause for the 1st time it felt like my drawings had a purpose

It's also the first time that I felt connected to other humans who to my surprise found Oswald's multiple deaths hilarious

I miss doing cons vs posting online 💯

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Godzilla Music Video, 2020

.Puking Gnome parody mimicking the part Eminem is puking Legos

.My comicbook character Oswald re-enacting that scene in the music vids with all the knives (I flipped the camera angle)
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"Mimi & Oswald 🎄", Nov 4th 2019
(#oswalddoingthings )

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"Oh you draw ? What kind of stuff do you draw ?" ⬅️ I have no idea what to answer since "my style it varies like drugs in an alley".

It depends on which one of us is holding The Wheel, We are many.

(#oswalddoingthings )

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(Colors by )

The cover of the book is inspired by this Nirvana album cover, and the first time [the frame] split Oswald in half

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Idgaf about clout, being known, being popular or even being liked.

My only goal is for my skills to pay the bills and financial stability til I die.

Til I collapse 💯

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Just a couple more pages and I'm done

For this thread that is, I'm gonna share pages and illustrations daily

Haters will hate and/or unfollow, but Nakamas will always support

I guess that's [Balance In All Things] ⚖️🙏🏽💯

(Art by )

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If you zoom in I actually redrew the graffitis that are on the Gaza Barrier

I don't do political stuff anymore cause I wanna be an artist who makes ppl smile, not the one reminding them of how shitty and unfair the real world is

saved my life ⚪️🙏🏽💯

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Most ppl don't realize that each frame is drawn traditionally, background and all

The spaceship was highly influenced by Bulma's machines

Colors by ✨🎨

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