(1938 – 2009) American professional football player, actor, author. Known for his exhibition ‘#TheBeautyoftheGhetto’ as well as featuring sports + images - used on musical

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Saw the new trailer for and couldn't resist making some album covers. Will feature a bunch of psychedelic 60s themed album covers with daisy for a while in honor of that. Maybe. If I remember, ha!

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For today's throwback we have Friday's Revival, an album cover much coveted for its art but the music is meh.

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I'm Enrico (Yuner), Italian freelance
I love old school fantasy, retrofuturistic sci-fi and movie poster art, focus on portraits and characters for and

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The cover for Jesse Jo Stark's "Doomed" looks like perhaps the cover of a conflicted Christian Young Adult novel? Her "Doomed"-but-somehow-Spiderman-themed bikini is killer.

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Herb Albert & The Tijuana Brass
I remember seeing this album cover when I used to work in a record store. Just felt like sketching it.

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Ik heb nog wat plaats voor opdrachten oktober-december. Ik ontwerp dus posters, illustraties, albumcovers, boekcovers,… Spread the word! Vragen en info: hello.be

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I always appreciate when bands put a new spin on the heavy metal album cover concept but still keep it recognizably metal, like today's cover of Empyrean's "Fallujah".

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I've been watching some Elden Ring videos and this lady DEFINITELY looks like someone who would leap around blowing clouds of plague breath at you in that game. Take a note, . It's the cover of "Abyss" by Might.

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I like the electric joy of this big splashy watercolor that's the cover of "The Dangerous Summer" Coming Home. Only in a dream would the moon be crashing into the earth while lightning clashes around an 'UP'-style balloon tour.

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(Colors by )

The cover of the book is inspired by this Nirvana album cover, and the first time [the frame] split Oswald in half

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