Day 17: Open Ocean
“On the one hand was Charybdis, vomiting the salt water. It was like the water in a cauldron when it is boiling over upon a great fire, and the spray reached the top of the rocks on either side."

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Day 13: Jack-o-Lantern (not a pumpkin)
Why carve a face into a pumpkin when you can carve a pumpkin into a...face? 🎃

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Day 10: Full Moon
I may be a day late to posting, but the Moon looks full for about three days, so I think it still counts.

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Cozy Cotage 🏡 - day 6

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Day 5: Aurora and Night Sky
I've been out of my depth these past few days so here's a piece more in my comfort zone. I snuck in a figure and pencilwork. 😜

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Day 3: A scene from your favorite scary movie.
I chose the end of John Carpenter's "The Thing". 😀

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Painttober día 30 "Ominous" Cuando tocan de esas palabras random mejor solo dibujo un Pokémon ( Drifblim ) que haga un ataque con esa palabra (Ominous Wind)

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día 19 "Dizzy" Tomen un Natsu

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