(Quería dibuja a una waifu del paladinas, que no sea Skye XD,en este caso Vivian )

0 2

Was looking through my unfinished shit and there’s a male IO one LOLLLL

1 29

Wings of darkness Saati is a gaslight girlboss icon🦇🌙

37 136

Last sneak peek before I’m finished on Saati, I love rendering sm but I am such a slow boye 💀

24 134

Aurora Furia ❄️

Finished drawing my favourite skin as a little birthday present for myself. Oh yea did I mention I'm 22 now🥳?

54 175

They're sleeping on this rivalry, honestly.
They made it a thing on Saati's trailer but nothing after that. Both champs got skins since then but not a single "gon' get ya" style voice line or smth.

20 113

charismatic queer trio taking a group picture


46 256

Corvus is such a stuck-up, holier-than-thou little entitled cunt isnt he?

2 12

Happy (late) Bday to Lex and Betty!! Wishing I was having some fun in the sun too... hehe

6 38

Working on colour for Saati now and she’s just so🧍🏼‍♂️

16 95

Finalmente terminé la última comisión que tenía pendiente

Aquí un par de dibujos rápidos que hice

10 54

Quería hacerlo con Io, pero ya he visto demasiado main Io por ahí, así que toca con mi segundo main.
En fin, a humillarse un poco.

2 23

Working on the new silly bat lady Saati skin bc I love it🦇

20 117

Hola buenas, les dejo los iconos de cassie y no vemos el mes que viene con mas splash art y iconos para campeones.

9 52