REPOST: Im tired so I didn’t catch the error 😫😓Here’s more Eiko and Nanami from a “Different Perspective.” I’ll post Version 1 sketch pose too    

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Ya Boy Kongming! Eiko
Did not expect to like the anime as much as I did.

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Eiko Tsukimi and Zhuge Kongming from Ya Boy Kongming!

More info abt my padorus:

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Cover for Vol.11 compilation of the manga written by Yuuto Yotsuba and illustrated by Ryou Ogawa, "Paripi Koumei (Ya Boy Kongming!)", on sale October 6, 2022.

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O Prunce, de está muito surpreso, pois o grande estrategista Kongming, de lhe enviou um convite. Mas não se sabe do que se trata este chamado inesperado...

Espero que gostem.

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Prunce is surprised. It looks like he got an invite directly from the strategist Kongming. What could this call be about? It seems that mystery is in the air...

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De alguna manera la calidad de la imagen se ve mejor ahora..... es molesto como instagram y facebook pixelan mas la imagen :T

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Finally finish!!

Me encanta como quedo el coloreadoooo aaaaaaaaaaaaa, bueno bueno, Eiko lista.

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Minor corrections to that previous Dorothea / Eiko piece (bicon and regular) mostly some editing to the face

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