I'll be at Glossop Book Fest in glossop Methodist church today from 1 with lots of greetings cards and paintings. Prices start at £2.50 so come along and treat yourself 😊

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Last one before bed and it's Ted who will be saying goodnight....as soon as he's finished reading his paper

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Once Quentin Crisp was her life-class model, now Jill Ray sketches with her iPad.
See the results at Village Gallery, York, and at https://t.co/nQQqXBUuaQ

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Collages from my painting jaunts outside last week ... now to simplify and turn into paintings ....... let’s see now t.art

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A further sketch of Arran caves - getting darker & more abstract - influence of self-isolation?

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Mixed media / unidd SF on pastels and watercolour on Fabriano paper . Like the textural looseness of it. https://t.co/C17nFPOWaF

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Am still playing with oils ... & genuinely don’t know what to think of the results!

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An abstract using watercolour and gouache inspired by the sound of wind through trees. I’m really interested in adding a calligraphic element to some images. my own language of sounds I hear. # expressive art # peakdistrictartisans

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