And away we go🎼🎼On the Tenth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me 10 Lords a' Leapin, 9ladiesdancing,8maidsmilking,7swansswimming,6geesealayin,5goldrings,4callingbirds,3frenchhens,2tutledoves,partridgeinapeartree, if I can finish this all in one tweet I will be amazed!😂👌

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On the eleventh day of Christmas,my true love sent to me
Eleven pipers piping
Ten lords a-leaping
Nine ladiesdancing
Eight maids amilking
Seven swans aswimming
Six geese alaying
Five golden rings
Four calling birds
Three french hens
Two turtle doves,and
A partridge in a peartree

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Partridge in a pear tree.

On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me, A partridge in a pear tree.

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On the 5th day of Christmas DLsite-san gave to me...

FIIIIIIIVE GOOOOOOLDEN... uhh, you can think of something golden, surely?  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
4 cat girls mewing
3 new releases
2 ASMR Ear Cleanings
and a doujin in a peartree!

I'll make a full list of these next year!


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On the 3rd day of Christmas, DLsite-san gave to me...

3 new releases
2 ASMR Ear Cleanings
and a doujin in a peartree!

Pronant Symphony is recently released, very popular and 20% OFF! Get it now.

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On the first day of Christmas, my Bigbot gave to me...

A Partridgebot in a Peartreebot!

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day 24:

Now I love a random gift as much as the next person but sometimes it’s better to stick to someone’s wish list

And that’s the last of this year’s -must admit I’ve really enjoyed it 😃😃

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On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

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It's not just humans having fun this Xmas. My attempt at 's theme.

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