Pulled out my sketchbook just a couple stops before the end of the line. Everyone around me was so completely motionless and engrossed in their smartphones, I simply had to!#TTC

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Finally came back to the rough sketch from a year ago, and did the finished piece. Almost forgot what the idea behind it was. Something about little and the impact they have on people, I think.

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You know it's when you see an iced cappuccino instead of a hot latte on a subway ride. You know it's an *early* spring when you see two!

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Spotted a super Fan of Sonic in Toronto,Canada. If you ever walk around Spadina Ave. keep an eye out.

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I've been really busy the last few weeks preparing an art talk & workshop for next month, so any "serious" had to be put on hold. In the meantime, here are some of this year's of people on the

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