Day 7~ I was looking forward to draw Peter and TK as babies <3, this time I hope not to take too long to upload another drawing😓

1 22

10) YOUR KID (?)
Is a very alternative concept because, I never meant to Yinn to have childrens in any future, still I tried to imagine how they would look xP They are both from two totally different realities

7 84

⚠️: Harassment

I had to google that word, is that an english word? sounds like french (?) anyway does that "we need to talk" route on day 3 counts?

7 131

Día 2: Ring

Llegaron los del Motoanexo 😎🤙

Solo faltan dos días y ya termino el Peterpostingchallenge2

12 151

23. Regalo

Peter siempre llena de regalos a y/n pero
El unico regalo que yoan le a dado a peter sin querer es talvez la familia que el siempre soño x"dd

1 54

16. 17. 18. : Peter, Sarah en genero inverso

Los hermanos en mi vercion de gender change uwur

5 67

15. Libros
Una peculiar chica a llamado la atención de yoan, la suele ver muy seguido en la biblioteca

( ya me faltaba dibujar a sahar en su etapa otaku xdd )

2 39

30 ♥️ The end 💞


-" managed to remember me, so many things happened and of all the endings, this is my favorite"

I can finally continue with the comic! I'll be back! 🖤🪷

19 232

26. 💞Dress💞
27. 🥀💢Bad moment 💢🔪
28. ❤️‍🩹Feelings💞

💟 M a r i a 💟:

-" I still don't see my beauty when I wear dresses, my university moments are hell... but when he was next to me in those moments, my life lit up"...✨💞

7 45