Acer campestre, Field maple. Supports epiphytic lichens and bryophytes, and inverts across a wide range of orders; some 51 invert species found in association. Flowering Period 5-6
Illos by Carl Axel Magnus Lindman

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Monks who follow the Way of the Blackflow are electromagnetic, unstable, neuronally fried weirdos.

Read all about them and much more in Arkus: Epiphytic Ephemera, available for free at my Patreon.

Art by the infinitely talented

2 7

The Flowers Misaka Mikoto holds in Genesis Testament 2 Cover

Genus: Dendrobium
Species: D. bigibbum
Binomial name: Dendrobium bigibbum Lindl. (1852)
dendrobium : a genus of epiphytic orchids that are chiefly native to tropical and subtropical Asia

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