Magic fest philadelphia marketing piece :D
AD : Mari Hall

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Here is another very early card of mine in this which is an excellent segway into telling you guys that you can meet me at the current Magic Con in Philadelphia, starting tomorrow!

Set: Strixhaven | 2021 | AD: Tom Jenkot

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Eagles lost. Hang in there Philadelphia

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Let’s go oblong sports ball big game! Go Eagles…and Chiefs. And commercials. And Rihanna.

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Esta noche la Super Bowl, final de la NFL (Football Americano).
Philadelphia Eagles - Kansas City Chiefs
Y Rihanna en el intermedio.

Y los museos adaptándose a las circunstáncias.

Football Players, 1912. Albert Gleizes

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The 30th Anniversary celebration - "Magic The Gathering" moves to Philadelphia Feb. 17-19. 27 MTG artists, 100's of judges & 1000s of players will be there. I'll be in booth 4144, and have new MYSTERY BOOSTERS, acrylic, paper & metal tokens, canvases & more. CU there.

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2 rue Cambon.

Wedding dress,c.1888.
Cream-colored silk satin trimmed with glass pearls and silk chiffon.

© The Philadelphia Museum of ARt.

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7 Feb 1778 Philadelphia, PA British General Howe was replaced by Henry Clinton as the Commander-in-Chief of North America. Howe had been passed up by Burgoyne put after the disaster at Saratoga, and George III swiftly put Clinton in charge.

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