Kreum (ガティ・クラム) :7.4ETH
Pop Wonder:17.2ETH
Pindar Van Arman:21.9ETH

0 7

Every gift which is given, even though it be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection...Pindar

6 27

“Become what you are.”
― Pindar

22 45

Endless Loop by

This is the first Airdrop we received as a RarePass Holder. Thank you very much & Pindar Van Arman 😍


5 47

Two of my favorite collections, both from the recommendation of . When Pindar speaks, I tend to listen.
AI Spaceships and SIGHTSEERS. 🤌🔥#cryptoart

0 8

Jason's tale has been written down by many people in many time periods, including Pindar, Euripides and Apollonios. One version, the Argonautica Orphica, tells the tale from Orpheus' point of view. I'll draw on many of these as we go along.

1 82

Vivo le emozioni di un ritrovarsi. Nell'attesa del cuore combatte con respiri sospesi, corpo in fermento e l'anima che si dimena nei colori di un arcobaleno.
Noi, voli pindarici tra musica sinfonica e colori vivaci


3 8

After seeing get bob.png I spent more time browsing works (I was already following them). Got a great mint, thanks Pindar!

left: bob.png
right: Page 38 cope vol1 by aleqth

8 53

Sandpoint, Light of the Lost Coast by Hugh Pindar

8 99

Dwarf by Hugh Pindar

30 275

"Become such as you are, having learned what that is". — Pindar.

Keep creating!

8 13

I have some of the best friends in the world! My good friend Spindart (aka Hubby) had this made for me as a bday gift! I can't get over how cute it is! LOOK AT THE PAINTBRUSH CANDLES! I'm overwhelmingly happy right now :D

1 21

Challenge accepted! The Turing test by . I commissioned Pindar to do this piece. Love the "Turing test" applied to art. If a piece has meaning to you and believe it was made by a human, is the machine now an artist? Is it creative?

I nominate &

2 17

Holy shit! Collab with Pindar ? 🤯

Drifting octopoid is readdyyyyy!!


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In a state of constant flux, today recalls "The Romance Of Old where Richard III had his palace and Paul Pindar's residence, removed to in 1890, was to be found!
Images courtesy

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Non è possibile con mente mortale
indagare i pensieri degli dèi.
(Pindaro, poeta greco, 518-438 a.C.)

🎨 Marc Chagall

10 32

A lost passage of the poet Pindar, quoted by the ancient writer Strabo, claims that the mountains mark the further Hercules ever traveled from home. Other versions of the tale tell that he built them to hold up the sky, to relieve Atlas from his burdensome duty. 7/12

0 14

How might save from harm the heroic glory of - Classical Inquiries

2 6

la Fortuna in Grecia è impersonata da Tyche: figlia di Oceano e di Teti, secondo Esiodo; una delle Moire, con l'epiteto di 'Salvatrice' secondo Pindaro.

rappresentazioni di Tyche

24 33

meraviglioso pennello dell’urbinate Sanzio. Dettaglio dell’affresco del Parnaso nella Stanza della poeta è vicino a Omero e Pindaro.
Raffaello ha fatto anche un ritratto a penna e inchiostro su carta del sommo poeta..

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