A study in PNAS suggests anxious parents make anxious kids with elevated activity in a prefrontal-limbic areas-midbrain circuit.

13 63

Members Berhane Asfaw, Yonas Beyene, Gen Suwa, Tim White, and colleagues deliver new insights in "Endocranial and in early Homo sapiens: The evidence from Ethiopia." | https://t.co/gpc4CuLUXz

12 26


I’m showing some cover art I’m very proud of! 2 of these are actual covers and one was a bid that didn’t get selected but I love nonetheless. Anyone want to guess which didn’t get selected? PNAS, Neuron or Adv.Mat ?

9 66

New paper on new species of Middle Jurassic Salamander from Skye, Scotland reveals early evolution of salamanders! Jones et al. PNAS. Thread 👇 [1/11 ] https://t.co/rQXPbQ1GyQ
Image by Brennan Stokkermans:

146 549

Super fun to work with my undergrad thesis advisor to envision what the interior of might look like for this paper! https://t.co/SsP2Nd4ajl doi/10.1073/pnas.2114424119

1 4


Toshiya M. Fukunaga, et al. "A minimal cage of a diamond twin with chirality". PNAS, 2022; 119 (7) e2120160119

133 394

A special episode of the Science Session podcast explores the state of CRISPR use in agriculture. In PNAS: https://t.co/rgJXJ6CQs9

3 14

T6SS: killing two bugs with one stone.
Happy to share 's Spotlight on the PNAS paper. Congrats to all the authors of the original article.

32 138

Interested in pan-tropical diversity gradients? Check out my new PNAS Commentary piece on the work of , ,
, and others in ! Figure design by .

68 262

AKIPENさん( )のグラフィティアートの講座の動画を見て、初めて挑戦してみました。自身のアートブランドの「POP NUTS ART STUDIO」の頭文字「PNAS」をテーマにしてみました。すっごく楽しい!!

3 6

Did you know: giant lemurs recently lived on Madagascar?! We used ancient DNA methods to sequence & analyze the nuclear genome of the extinct koala lemur, Megaladapis edwardsi. The paper, led by , is now in PNAS: https://t.co/7CYUlaIZr1 Illustration: https://t.co/g2WuM3S5PQ

15 59

Music as disease therapy? Growing evidence points to a range of musical medical benefits for ailments from to A PNAS Science and Culture piece: https://t.co/Je5I6BJbpf

5 11

ACE2 protein 25 amino acid sequence (human) compared to >400 to predict their vulnerability to
are in the LOW category (PNAS article pg 3). Bear species in study: Giant
Journal article: https://t.co/2XzdV3UgO6

2 3

Evolutionary bias: Becoming smaller can happen about 10x faster than becoming bigger.

Evans et al 2012 PNAS: The maximum rate of

Commentary by
Polly 2012 PNAS: Measuring the evolution of body size in mammals

40 101

How will warming conditions affect plant in cities? Our new paper reveals urban warming advances spring phenology but reduces the response of phenology to temperature.

96 223

Our new perspective in PNAS: "Toward understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on labor" with an epic interdisciplinary team of authors. & others

30 77

Proud to announce "Rapid evolution of a skin-lightening allele in southern African KhoeSan" is now online at PNAS . Led by fab PhD Meng Lin (now at USC with ), & Stellenbosch U https://t.co/hNrMyIZYT6

37 63

You got me curious about the paper by and went back to PNAS to read it..now I know exactly how many microliters my tries to wash my face with, when he wants to wake me up in the morning...

1 7


105 182