Dancing where all see
Awkward, graceless, but joyful
I dance for only me

0 1

Write a or a about this picture.

Here are my attempts: She loved the escapism of books.
float around
in her head
of stories
once read
characters real
and imagined
some she’d
like to take
to bed

112 89

Love knows no limits,
Love can change a lot things,
Love comes to us,
When no one is waiting for.
We're looking for new bouquets,
We give toys and flowers,
We're waiting for a great answer,
Words, you love me too!

1 1

If you worked hard,
Your be a louder!
If you worked nice,
Your will be uprise!

0 5

Tree, car, street, sky,
It’s raining somewhere I haven’t been,
Thoughts are spinning in my head.
I'm still on the planet
or already in your head?

0 7

Autumn evening will come,
And the sun will set over the horizon.
The full moon will shine bright
Casting a shadow on you

1 4

Сегодня утром
Тихонько упал на землю
С дерева лист

516 767

Белеет парус одинокий
В тумане моря голубом ! ..
Что ищет он в стране далёкой ?
Что кинул он в краю родном ? ..

/ М.Лермонтов /

529 881

Write a or a about this picture.

Here are my attempts: He was mesmerized by her beauty.

She danced for him
In his dreams
A tiny petite
Human being

124 169

Различья нет - и радость , и беда
От нас уходят в прошлое мгновенно, -
Вчера не повторится никогда,
Изменчивость пребудет неизменно

/Перси Биши Шелли / 1792 - 1822

456 736

Write a or a about this picture.
Here are my attempts: Stacey looked around her in awe.
No drugs or alcohol
Imprint on earth
Or somewhere else
She walked forward

143 197

She always wanted the things she could never have
And yet
She never found a reason
Not to try

2 4

Respect to ; when they bring out poetry for young children it’s a head above on production. Following A Great Big Cuddle & Out and About this anthology is perfectly produced for the age range. Large format, rich colour illustrations, impossible to resist

13 42

Write a or a about this picture.

Here are my attempts: Kath' refused to smile at anyone.

Solemn face
Refusing to smile
Crooked teeth
Makes her believe
No one will want her
If they’re not straight

94 103

Смотри всегда на шаг вперёд,
Чтобы предугадать развитие событий,
Чтоб различать всех тех, кто врёт,
И кто достоин называться близким

/Навер Симонян /

527 940

Я отправлю в подарок тебе
Блики солнечных зайчиков в лужах,
Пусть они тебе верно послужат,
Оградив от печалей и бед


520 862

В сто сорок солнц закат пылал,
В июль катилось лето,
Была жара,
Жара плыла -
На даче было это


681 980