Spimole (Spice + Guacamole)
The Spicy Pokemon
Type: Grass

It is inspired by Guacamole and Nachos

It will appear on Pokemon SI, the fangame of

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Budqueel (Bud + Quirquincho + Peel)
The Fruit Shield Pokemon
Type: Grass

It is inspired by Zaedyus pichiy and fruit peels.

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Kirqueola (Kirk + Turquesa + Seriola)
The Mosaic Scale Pokemon
Type: Water / Steel

It is inspired by Seriola lalandi (Vidriola) and the Marble Caves.

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The Adrift Pokemon
Type: Water

It is inspired by Sea plankton, adrift seaweeds and Pincoya, a chilean myth.

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The Fearful Pokemon
Type: Ground

It is inspired by Rhea americana (Ñandú/ Nandu) and Its ability to run at high speeds

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Pokedesigns I don't know if I'll ever finish or that at least still need a lot of work >. < Picking palettes is so haard!

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Inspired by 's pokedesigns where you draw a Pokemon in 3 different ways, I decided to try it with Zigzagoon because it's my favourite mon! I called them spiky, cutie and poof while working on them lmao. I like how they turned out. I hope you all will too!

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visit our studio in Longton Stoke on Trent ST31PR open Thurs Frid Sat or call us to book a visit 01782599194 a warm welcome awaits and see where the magic happens!

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Here are some of my Pokedesigns!

extra info about the Pokemon coming up in replies (they are based off Pokemon that my trainer character Kotaro has)

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