Bug type has the best quality pokemon of any other type fight me
(not all are sorted fully)

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I remembered Miranda from the first Pokémon movie, not much art of her so I decided to draw her.

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📣‘Pokémon the Orchestra: 신화의 땅에서’ 한정 MD 라인업 공개📣
모든 품목은 1인 2개까지만 구매 가능합니다.
(단, 체육관 배지 세트는 1인 1세트만 구매 가능합니다.)

🎵티켓 구매처: https://t.co/PbVhfJPQQQ
🎵공식 사이트: https://t.co/Z1dzxlvWRa

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Le di un girito a mi estilo habitual probando cosas nuevas y parecerá una gilipollez, pero hasta llegar ahí me costó lo mío y estoy muy proud con el resultado


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🍰 Alcremie's Witchy Bakery for Sweets and Treats 🍰
Did a lil Alcremie witch gijinka with her fidough companion for today's inktober
The prompts used are "Bakery" from Witches' Coven, together with "Sweets & treats" from Spooky Pokemonth

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