Greek white beans... so good😋 My aunt Humla's recipe comes straight from the source and it's awesome!

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This is quite an unusual cake. It's packed with butter and sugar like any decent cake, but it contains no flour. Instead it uses almonds as its base, which together with a lot of lemon is just fucking spectacular😘

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Ever heard about Swedish-Italian cuisine? Well, this is it. Tomato and Aubergine lasagna. By a swede. Enjoy!

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I assume everyone is stocked up on canned food, so make some quarantine bean burgers why don’t you!

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Today we have some god old fashioned Swedish food for ya'll: Salmon pudding!

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It’s time for something sweet! Banoffee Pie is a brilliant dessert that is really easy to make. Full recipe here:

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It is that time of year. There's so much goodness in the ground so just go picking. And then, make a tasty toast!

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Yeez... we took quite a bit of a pause there right? Summer... and... stuff. But now we're back, with duck!

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It's summer and life gives you lemons. And then you make this really great pie. Pretty good life right?

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Cicoria | Dandelion | Maskros
Free food! But you do have to work a bit for it. But still!
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Hello friends! We have some chicken for you today. Perfectly good Christian holiday food. 😇 🍋🍗🥔

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...and we're back. This time it's a feast from the east: it's dumplings!
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We’ve tried it and it’s ok to use non-New-York-ian water when making bagels.
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It was a nice sunny day, we had a car, we were young, carefree, and most of all we had been driving around aimlessly looking for a place to eat some lunch because we were very very very hungry...


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We're back! And it's baking time!
This is my (Jonas) favorite pastry from Lisbon. It's not very sweet, which I love about it. Try it!

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