Patriotism is the big lie politicians are trying to brainwash their citizens with, with the only goal to manipulate them, to enslave and to let fight for populist ideas.

2 9

La moción de censura de la ultraderecha es una payasada populista encabezada por un patético e irreconocible Tamames.

18 34

"right-wing populists" constantly getting betrayed by the Republicans

17 492

I dislike that he's no longer a populist hero. He used to go after corrupt politicians, warmongers & wife-beaters as often as gangsters. I think that a Superman who sticks up for the "common man" would resonate w/ today's readers.

0 12

The populist movements around the world have attempted to overthrow democratic elected governments.
Jan 6th USA,
February 12th, Canada
& December 6th, Germany are a few examples.
All supported by the IDU, Stephen Harper chairperson. Let that sink in Canada.

131 205

You’ve heard Poilievre’s talking points before—from that grifter con man down south. Not the most flattering style to emulate, but it sheds light on PP’s character.

635 1344

La derecha convoca a su marcha con medias verdades y mentiras completas. Nadie busca desaparecer al INE y no vivimos en una dictadura (prueba de ello es la misma marcha).
La derecha sólo busca mantener viva una narrativa que carece de todo sustento (la de la dictadura populista).

1855 2879

„„Wir erleben mittlerweile einen Sozialtourismus dieser Flüchtlinge“:
Merz rudert nach Kritik an rechtspopulistischer Aussage mal wieder zurück“

117 428

We hebben gezien hoe extreem rechts & populisten het bestrijden van COVID-19 bemoeilijkte met toename aan fake nieuws, haat naar wetenschap, geweld, opruiing, bedreigingen naar experts als & . Stel dat zij de meerderheid vormen in de toekomst?

30 109

A strange urge came over me and I decided to draw one of those neo-populist militiamen preparing a crawfish rollin boil.

Grey Legionnaire with a bar of panzeschokolade next.

10 97

Lo peor de los populistas es que siguen creyendo que puntos como popularidad, mítines, acarreos y discursos son su trabajo.
Y es por eso que nunca logran resultados.
Ni lo harán.

520 1286

First appearance of leader Elias Montero, here explaining his conception of democracy.
(But whose words is he using?)

1 11

Even the Times can see Boris Johnson for what he really is - a grotesque populist conman.

49 151

This is what the intersection of the patriarchy, systemic racism, British exceptionalism, capitalist imperialism, populist politics and fascist nationalism looks like.

You don’t placate this shit. You reject it outright. Or have we learned literally fuck all from history?

74 215

Eén tekening verbeeldt prachtig de terechte kritiek op de voorzitter van de Tweede Kamer. In diezelfde tekening is de populist in kwestie verworden tot een onzin uitkramende mafkees. Hulde weer aan in mijn

33 74

Un PP escorado a la derecha abraza a la ultraderecha con Ayuso en pleno lanzamiento nacional e internacional. Por bandera, provocación, fake news y las ocurrencias populistas que triunfan en la sociedad del espectáculo, como hizo Trump; por

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