happy (i totally didn't forget) i'm jasper, a gay trans male artist who likes the color pink and prettyboys

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An update! This is what happens when I draw more than when I sleep. XD I will go and finish his glasses when I feel like it.

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i hate looking for people references on pinterest (trying to get more accurate skin/hair colours for xan) because looking up some shit like "blonde guy" produces 50 lamp-jawed lookalike prettyboys staring directly at the camera. it's frightening.

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i'm jasper, a gay trans male artist (: i like drawing OCs and fanart, and i love soft prettyboys

🔁+❤️ appreciated

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2009 ➡️ 2022

After literally half my lifetime's worth of years spent honing my craft I am still out here drawing anime prettyboys ✌️✨

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Angsty black-haired anime prettyboys come and go but Gray Fullbuster is my ride or die.

(Aka me drawing the same character in 2013, 2015, 2018 and 2022.)

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Izumi, Kyuta and Eiji! Kyuta is the oldest, but is often mistaken for a teenage girl!

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Dear prettyboyswag(
Thank you for purchasing "Wait for me! I'm coming to you." on ANIFTY💕

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A pause from simping at prettyboys from very mainstream games to simp at prettyboys from more indie games has me by the throat y'all what a cute little game

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Ya quede lista prettyboys UwU Kannashi Arc buranya!!! OwO

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It’s been a LONG time since I drew with pencil so have some prettyboys

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Pretty Boytober Video

Want to see the rest of my drawing processes for the 31 days of Pretty Boytober. Watch it here; https://t.co/JeRtPJMdYT

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Hi, I'm Ru Xu! :) I'm a comic writer and artist. I make sci-fi fantasy stories about ☘️inns for time travelers, 🏹prettyboys who get in trouble🐺, and 🧢girls disguised as newsboys!


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