Kami pulisi anti dehidrasi sedang bertugas merazia traveler dengan kriteria di bawah ini👮‍♀️

Yg memenuhi kriteria cpttt berbaris yh, akan kami tembak satu-satu, pew pew pew 🔫🔫🔫

genshinart by sender

9 40

Patriotism is the big lie politicians are trying to brainwash their citizens with, with the only goal to manipulate them, to enslave and to let fight for populist ideas.

2 9

¿Estamos en la PEOR sequía desde 1970? De acuerdo a los datos, sí.

Que no os engañen: mientras España atraviesa su peor sequía en décadas, los políticos juegan al hidropopulismo hablando de embalses, trasvases y más regadíos.

La única solución REAL pasa por REDUCIR el consumo.

803 1717

From the first month I started using in Dec 2018, I still like the Firmino line work!

0 1

La moción de censura de la ultraderecha es una payasada populista encabezada por un patético e irreconocible Tamames.

18 34

„Zehn Jahre AfD:
13 von 18 Gründern ausgetreten, zwei verstorben, drei noch Mitglied“

15 51

the lore gets more and more dense. Curious to see if this team will eventually adapt anoter 4 vol in the future. This same pulisher is doing that adapting Conan stories but each vol has a different artist to get it faster. Robin Recht did The Frost Giant Daughter, best one imo

0 1

"right-wing populists" constantly getting betrayed by the Republicans

17 492

Ara mes que mai "pulisia de Selecta" XD!!!

4 13

Sophie, di giorno in giorno, pulisce il castello, dando inavvertitamente una “spolverata” anche all’animo di Howl, provato dalla guerra.

Buon compleanno ❤️



3 3

I dislike that he's no longer a populist hero. He used to go after corrupt politicians, warmongers & wife-beaters as often as gangsters. I think that a Superman who sticks up for the "common man" would resonate w/ today's readers.

0 12

Estaría bien poder terminar el populismo en el mundo para que empiece a mejorar algo

0 2

aqui está sô pulisa nao confisca mimha carteirinha de artista nao

1 5


Good night,
and by the way, what is/are your favorite 同一CP/selfcest doujinshi(s) that was released or pulished in 2022? Appreciate your comments.
This question will be posted again in another tweet.

4 26

No es de extrañar que en esta época en la que nos invade el populismo se use el fútbol para tener enajenado al pueblo.

8 18

Day 32 - Christian Pulisic

1 10

The populist movements around the world have attempted to overthrow democratic elected governments.
Jan 6th USA,
February 12th, Canada
& December 6th, Germany are a few examples.
All supported by the IDU, Stephen Harper chairperson. Let that sink in Canada.

131 205

'The Quack Agent' by Triss

The Quack Agent is a square-sized comic book suitable for both adult and teenage readers. The book depicted relationships between a suited man and duck flocks and provided a sarcastic approach to populism.

See at LCB or via https://t.co/bEV9mfmxSU

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