【punching machine②】

40 284

【punching machine①】

143 1229

Omaru Polka
6/10 no sane person would wear all the basic primary colors at once, similar to pekora, shes ten seconds away from punching me

0 15

Catherina sketch
she keeps jumping on my deck and punching me

953 8330

「ランボー」再上映で観てきました。もう100回は観ているけど、劇場ではこれが2回目です。誰よりも戦争を憎んでいるのに誰よりも強い!矛盾と怒りと哀しみを背負った最強のヒーロー!少年だった俺に計り知れない影響を与えた作品。人生を変えた魂の名画です!Keep punching !!

5 53

tbf I think he only says it once in the context of actually punching someone but still LOL

0 30

(13/7) After 3 or 4 years...I DID IT!🤠
I've become 1st place and now the Champion of Tatsunoko vs Capcom UAS Punching Bag Fiesta
Thank you BladexChun-LixSaki & ZeroxMorrigan! I could have gone far without you guys!😊

0 9

本日7月6日は俺にとって史上最強のスーパーヒーロー、シルベスター・スタローンの78歳の誕生日です。中学生の頃TVで「ロッキー」を観て、計り知れない影響を受けました。それ以来、あなたの生き様は人生の教科書です。これからも走り続けて下さい!Keep punching !!

19 108

"To become a true samurai, you need to focus on this training. Don't get distracted!"🎍
Take Byleth's training seriously, or are you planning to be a punching bag? 😰

29 230

Me: Coke, sweets are great
Also me: the teeth are punching me

0 10

Came to the realisation that if I deleted nobody would care.

I don't know if I want to keep trying anymore knowing people will keep punching down on me.

0 8

Making this too damn easy cal. The reaction image writes itself. The clacking gets louder. Keep punching away at that damn keyboard itll fall off the edge of the desk man. I warned you bro. I warned you!!

0 4

Rest, meditate, and relax before the Punching begins! Here's the maintenance time for tonight, and the patch notes as well!


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punching you into the year 2024💥

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I have posted a manga in English translation on the support site.
It is 8 pages from Part 1.
This is a manga about female boxing. It is an introduction to the match, so I haven't drawn much of the punching scene yet



11 41

zz g*ndam lore of punching eldritch mechanical being are my fave

0 5

punch man punching

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On a Discord....

Mr.D : Hey, Gai! we actually make a daki of Syuen but I forgot to tell you😅
Lazy Chicken : Good! Now everyone can get this punching bag....umm I mean daki 🤣

if you want this please check the link --> https://t.co/0Hoy4275uO

30 189

You could at least have warned me instead of sucker punching me with your allure! https://t.co/ntBK9f6JO5

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