Do yourself a favor: build deep knowledge of important deep learning tools.

Deep Learning with PyTorch is a perfect book to help with that.

Written by PyTorch’s creator and key contributors, this book is infinitely valuable for as long as PyTorch is used.

70 527

Animegan2 Pytorch による色々なモデルでのアニメ風変換.
Testing Animegan2 Pytorch with some models.

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3 19

LapDepth-release - This repository is a Pytorch implementation of the paper "Monocular Depth Estimation Using Laplacian Pyramid-Based Depth Residuals"

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3 16

'Geometric Lizard Robot, sketched in the Style of Escher' - I like how this prompt turned-out, the optimized 3d creature has the properties of the prompt, with a geometric texture.

And art-wise, less is more, the black and white texture is quite sleek.

0 10

Is it me, or is PyTorch 1.9 a bit faster? :)

0 5

big thanks to pytorch and da vinci

1 40

Instance Segmentation - "Deep Occlusion-Aware Instance Segmentation with Overlapping BiLayers [BCNet, CVPR 2021]" これ、凄いかも。。。 PyTorch 200MB オクルージョンを見事に解決している。。。ライセンスはMIT

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