What the Duck!!
Quacking cool azz 🦆🦆🦆

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How I met your duck. The first duck sketch I was sent by the artists.
Good quacking old times! 🚀🚀🚀

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OwO I doodled this duck for MayMay. I’m naming him Sir Quackington the third. Nobody knows what happened to the first and second Sir Quackington. It’s a mystery left unsolved.

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Quack, quack⁉️

Happy International Women's Day to all the strong and amazing women out there! Your contributions to society, your resilience, and your determination inspire us every quacking day. Thank you for being you! 💕👩‍🦰🦆#InternationalWomensDay

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Our quacking weekly Poker tournament is starting in 40mins.
Win the tournament, win a NFT🐣

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...Judge me as you will. However, as you do, ask yourself how life would have been if you had been born, or had suddenly become at a young age, disabled? Do you think you could have done more than I, and countless others, have done to not simply 'Give Up?'

Yosh, quacking off.

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GM ducks! Happy quacking Monday and hope you all had a quacktastic weekend 🦆

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Quack, quack⁉️

Bow down before the Daonnaki Duck and make sure to set your reminders to go and show our quacking support for the reveal party later today 🦆👽


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Had an amazing time playing Goose Goose Duck with some new people and wanted to form my own group to play with! If you are interested in a fun night of quacking at each other please let me know! There is no set date yet but will be once a few of us join in! New friends welcome!

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GM ducks! It’s a beautiful Sunday morning and a great opportunity to remind ourselves how blessed we are to be quacking each and every day 🦆

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Quacking Community 1st. ALWAYS.
Driven by our true DAO platform,

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GM Ducks! It’s a beautiful Friday morning so rise up and attack the day with quacking and enthusiasm 🦆

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🦆🦆🦆...QUACKING INTO 2023📈📈🥂

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GM ducks! Checking in on the weather forecast in the pond, yuuup more quacking has been forecasted 🦆

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GN Ducks! Keep on quacking in your dreams and what you want to build on when you wake up 🦆💤

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