Seek, honor, speak, and live truth. It is the light that guides our steps. And it is not something we're told, it's something we discover as we ask endless questions.

Eyrie art print --

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If you want to make a lasting and meaningful change in your life, get rid of your TV screen.

Valley of the Goddess canvas print --

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It is impossible to achieve freedom through compliance. Authority neither shares nor gives away its power. Rumination, canvas art --

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Today's 10-second read: The Same Story Told in Different Ways -- Nope, not yet another predictable movie sequel, more like yet another predictable "news" event.

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rectified spirit + rose oil and i'm asking myself what chemistry class was i in or was i just watching another true crime video?
we'll never know

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After spending the day at work, dodging around the commonsense hesitant, the last thing she felt like doing was flicking on the news and listening to the truth hesitant. Ending the Day on a Good Note canvas print

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No one likes to be called a sheep. But we are all in peril of earning that appellation when we unquestioningly follow the dictates of others. Green Pastures, art print --

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Here's a good question. Why do none of the guys at Torrington have the hots for ????

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Truth requires neither carrot nor stick, bribe nor penalty. Truth requires that we doubt, question, and think. Gathering Thoughts, canvas art print --

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Why are you not already stewing in my empty belly?

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