The Qwuekajevv Generals; left to right, Vertigo Vision, Hex Shadowflame, Circuit Eel, Smoldering Inferno, Zevv Blizzardswarm, Redd Reaper, and Hurricane Skystrike!

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Are you ready for the many faces of "shut" from the Supreme General of the Qwuekajevv Bloodlines Alliance and Arch Alpha, Smoldering Inferno? Heck of a title, isn't it? Don't worry. Just call him Smolder!

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Click for Story:
A birthday gift for featuring her character, Aster meeting my Qwuekajevv General, Circuit Eel, chilling in his bath. I made it a year ago but didn't upload because I wanted to write a story for it.

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Sharing because I haven't shared anything in awhile. It's a pic of Skystrike holding onto a pillow. Isn't he cute? uwu

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Uh-oh, party's over, the boss is back.

Smolder never looks particularly happy but he has varying levels of just how unhappy he opts to look certainly. Smolder is the Arch Alpha and Supreme General of the entire Qwuekajevv species for context!

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Ever seen this video? It's what these stickers are based on. XD Poor Skystrike. He can never catch a break.

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Reaper..? Uh..Reaper? Wait.....Reaper....Reaper no...

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Vertigo parties hard all night and crashes all day. He's quite the night owl. What about you? Do you relate? Or are you a morning bird? I'm a night owl myself.

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A couple edits of the Circuit Eel sticker I posted awhile back. What do you think he's thinking about??

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....I editted Cirrus' ref image due to a conversation I was having with friends. XD This is the result.

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Circuit Eel chilling and snoozing on his throne room chair thing. I drew it on my phone and then fancied it up with some color on my PC.

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Some sketches of some stuff. Some just never got finished, others were examples between the shapes and angles I use for Qwuedeviv versus Qwuekajevv. The other was of a friend I used to have. So the more fleshed out character belongs to them, not me.

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A little thing I did of Zevv on my phone in redesigning him some.

Zevv/Qwuekajevv (c) me / Qwuedeviv Universe

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Vid of me making Circuitpup on my phone.

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Circuitpup is gonna absolutely annihilate that stick. Get wrecked stick! Circuit Eel as a pup. A thing I made on my phone.

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"Hmm..." -tap tap-

Sometimes being a Qwuekajevv alpha is a lot of work.

-tap tap-

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