
Distribution: Mauritius
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 10-30 years
Diet: Omnivore
Japanese Name: ドードー
Romanised Name: Dōdō
Conservation Status: Extinct
Scientific Name: Raphus cucullatus

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Just a little visual update to an already awesome piece. Commander Raphus and her 2 fave pokemon buddies
Aniki, the Pangoro, and Roadkill, the Obstagoon!


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“Facing near extinction from poaching and human expansion, dodee and Dodador flocks moved into caves and crags. Their flock is led by a single Hieraphus whose tactical mind helps the flock steer clear from humans”.

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Annunaki Genesis mod よりRaphus

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The subfamily Raphinae contains only two known species, Pezophaps solitarius (Rodrigues Solitaire) and Raphus cucullatus (Dodo). Thanks to for help.

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Krima dudes! Jolly Raphus dodo and Ice Breaker Kronosaurus.

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Cone snail (Conus geographus)

the venom is varies between species to species, individual to individual

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22 Cono geográfico(Conus geographus) animal más venenoso del planeta, 0,003mg mataría a una persona, parte de de este veneno que inyecta con un diente modificado es un tipo único de insulina que aturde a la presa vive en los fondos arenosos del indo-pacifico

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