Comm wip, this lad is arcsys grappler sized

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(1/4) Happy Birthday Yujiro Hanma, Inuyasha, Usopp & Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo!💯🤠😎🤠🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉

0 1

(🔪: Me pidió una llave lucha!!💦)
Una fanática extranjera es una chica valiente y afortunada 🥰.
-Commission Work-

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I don't like fighting grapplers but I like drawing Zangief. I'm excited for SF6. Quick sketch from yesterday

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Archetype: "Trappler"
Playstyle: Forces the opponent to play his game by setting traps and scaring them from approaching. His traps lead to his devastating grabs, and his grabs lead to his traps giving him a playstyle that allows him full stage control if played right.

1 9

Something a bit different than my usual posts:
A few weeks ago, I ordered model sheets for the 2018 "New Grappler Baki" series all the way from Japan, mostly because no one bothered to scan them.
Until now!
I scanned *111* model sheets, and I'm currently finding a way to upload…

10 85

Capoeirista and office worker Hampster Lady () confronts the mysterious, spectral emanation (and BJJ grappler) HAVE LAYER(S) (whatnessapaints). Art by dreamcastmod and whatnessapaints respectively.

0 1

It's well known that in their natural habitat, Grappler mains drink glue. But did you know that depending on which grappler they main, their favorite glue will be different?
for example: Zangief players tend to prefer drink Elmer's while Potemkin mains prefer Gorilla Glue.

157 918

Pred with Grappler Body (2.14%) sold for 450₳

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What's scarier? A zoner with a meterless DP, or a grappler with a meterless DP?
(Asking in general, not these specific examples)

68 1016

If you or someone you know worked on pages for the project in the pic below and would like to talk about your experiences, please reach out to me, either through dms here or by emailing midnightgrappleranimals [at] gmail [dot] com

Working on something to document everything

18 24

Quick sketch of Lucina as Grappler from DFO. Added some butterfly elements. I would like to think Chrom would have loved this careeer choice. This was also the very first time I used the symmetry tool lol.

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