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Refurbished Ula! She’s getting new hands + feet too. She got new horns, hinge repair, cheek fluff, new tongue, new NFT Mohawk from , teeth colour change, new ears + new airbrushing!

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Following CFz2019 this cutie came back home for some edits/alterations + some new feet.

Original feet I’d used plastidip without realising UK formula was different! So new feet sans the dip!

Head had airbrushing + fitting done.

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While I’ve not made any media posts I’ve not stopped working! This is one suit that was completed in July.
Blue LED eyes, USB fan by , airbrushing, fully lined and vented ears.

More to come!

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So I drew up the Banalamute (Banana×Malamute) based on the furs I have! The darker fur is really hard to photo but the yellow/gold/tan in the last photo is closest!

(Yes Im aware of Mal eye colours lmao)

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Starting component work on this cutie tomorrow! I'll also be doing component work for Koiboi and a lavender Panda too!

I'll be testing out 65D (the impact resistant video has me hella curious!)

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Artistic freedom suit I get to work on! We decided on 50% Artistic Freedom!
Specification was "A realistic wolf with an unrealistic twist"

I had a lot of fun designing her!

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