for those who noticed mic’s undershirt (and asked why he couldn’t just button it up)

83 863

‘cannoli’ cannoli and halloween costumes!

201 1709

the aftermath: mic broke out before aizawa could go apeshit

115 1178

beware the aizawa family’s seemingly harmless secretary

413 3451

what if aizawa just thought mic was a normal secretary

231 2346

introducing cannoli! aizawa found him in an alley behind the base when he was a teen and kept him ever since. people outside of aizawa’s inner circle must refer to him as Mr. Arson

310 1609

fun fact: aizawa sets aside funds to aid animal shelters (under anon donations) and has multiple partnerships with cat cafes under his protection; he gets special perks and exclusives rights that way

135 1011

“Are you ever underestimated because of your looks?”

242 1465

aizawa smokes cheap cigs and mic is offended

95 810