The result of having finished my comic- we got Ebon without his mask now. It exists now forever. Even more male anatomy too because, ahah, I have an addiction!

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Here are some panels from a comic of mine. Full comic and context is on my Instagram page @/rinji.dai Hope you're all doing well, I send lots of love 💕

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As some of you may know, it is Eijiro's b-day today! So this is my celebration art for him! 😊 Give this boi some love because eveyone could use a Kirishima!

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Did a little Q&A of my OC Dante on my Instagram account. Here are just some of his little expressions I made, I might post the rest of them later 🤔

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Almost forgot to post this. My Succubus persona! She is obviously a lot cuter and just... you know, better 😂 I hope you lovelys like it though, been working on my digital art, hopefully it's improving c':

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Got All might? Some smol might art here because I love the way he looks and I want All Might to adopt me. Thank you and good day

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Here is another OC of mine. His name is Dante and he has a pretty basic character design. I hope you lovelys like the art though!

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My first post on here! (Heck) I don't often do digital art, so you may see more traditional!

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