Some Fuyutsuki and Himuro from The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague. They're so cute. Matching crockery and gifting jewelry?? Just get married y'all 😭♥

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ポール・セザンヌ『フルーツと食器のある静物画(Still-life with fruit & crockery)』1871年(旧国立美術館)


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The broken pottery pokemon
Encounter location : none

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One week I draw for myself, another week I draw for the university ... like this in a beautiful love / hate loop 😍😫 Now putting together a collection of patterns passes crockery and some related textiles.

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I forgot I posted this sketch of as a crockery fairy like 3 years ago and I was bored so I digitised it real quick

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After a long day of helping Shemira use her ultimate ability 20+ times in a row, Rosaline and her crockery deserve a break. Plus, I wanted to draw her broom skating.

ID: 103379726
Name: Cannetella

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Across England it was thought very bad luck to harm a robin. The hand of someone who had killed a robin would always shake. If you broke a robin’s egg you would soon find your own crockery broken. If you broke a robin's wing your own arm would soon also break.

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I have been doing little illustrated journal entries when I can't think of anything to draw and I drew this when the new Doodle Date went up. I guess those pencils are you since one is like that jumper Adamo has and the other is light crockery blue.

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The Boggart is a troublesome faerie who will run riot in your home, breaking crockery and making a mess. It is said that a helpful Brownie will become a Boggart is offended by an inappropriate gift.

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This is brilliant to hear! Hope you can find plenty of dishes, spoons and shady characters to act out more cutlery-crockery dramas!

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rly random thread of things i found that i made in primary school

1. clay animals from yr 7maybe
2. a cutlery case to take on camps
3. crockery bag also for camps
4. thing to hang above door from yr 3 i think

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So let's kick of with what makes you smile when you enjoy a cream tea? Is it the Tea, the Cakes, the Scones, the venue or a crockery?

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ep 56 Eren and mikasa remember their old days very emotional they saw mom’s crockery as well hope to see em build same house again levi kicked door poor house levi don’t have emotions for it coz Erwin can’t go there maybe

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Thank you for sorting your crockery out to review Murder by Numbers Mike

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I’ve got just one broken crockery pendant left! Happy dance 💃🏻. This started life as a Spode tureen. Hung on a gold satin cord.

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“Everything must gleam and shine” demands housekeeper Mrs Hughes as furniture, crockery, glassware, pots and pans all get a fervent dust and shine ready for the exciting royal visit in the new film (out today).
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