Day 34 of
for me is basically
More and in
From top left clockwise: Cordierite; Pyroxene, Plagioclase; Kyanite. Enjoy!

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Day 32 of
tweet 7 on (NG): some perspectives.
NG are a powerful novel tool to investigate in situ anatectic processes. And provide small volumes of primary melt that can be analysed. So far ...

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Day 29 of
tweet 6 on (NG).
As NG are crystallized melt inclusions, their provide a novel tool to analyse in situ the composition of natural crustal melts. They are "granite embryos"! But how can the melt composition be determined...

4 11

Check out this amazing 3D model of the ultra-high pressure from the Western Gneiss Region of Norway made by

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Day 25 of
tweet 3 on
The enclaves of El Hoyazo are peculiar for many things, but most of all for their (MI). MI occur in virtually all minerals (here clockwise Spl, Mnz, Bt, Crd, Ap), and in particular in (read on)...

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