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Just a quick reminder that the “Tough Little Ship” PRE-SALE will be over on February 15th! We’ll begin shipping prints out on March 6th… can’t wait for fans to start receiving them! ❤️🖖
#StarTrek #StarTrekDS9 #art #scifiart #fanart #roddenberry
#StarTrekDay2022 #startrek #FanArtFriday (its early morning friday here) #AutismAwareness
TY Mr GeneRoddenberry for Star Trek. I wish I could have told you how much you gave me since 1990, and still give. And that I could have given your wife paintings.
🖖 @ArtofTrek 🖖
Já passou dos 100! Hoje, 19/08, faz 101 anos do nascimento de Gene Roddenberry.
Em 2021, a Coleção TB ganhou um volume todo especial com a biografia completa do Grande Pássaro da Galáxia, para comemorar o seu centenário. E a capa é de ninguém menos do que @willrios!
Hoje é aniversário de 101 anos do Gene Roddenberry, ilustrado aqui na arte do @willrios
🖖( -`ω´-) 8月19日は #スタートレック の創造神、#ジーン・ロッデンベリー生誕祭 🎂です船長。
#1日一点とにかく描く #今日は何の日 #宇宙大作戦 #StarTrek #GeneRoddenberry
Giving genuine consideration to putting my original painting of Nichelle Nichols up for sale soon. A big decision… given that I almost never sell my originals. ❤️🖖
#StarTrek #nichellenichols #roddenberry #fanart #art #painting #Canada
#GeneRoddenberry cameo in the #JFK LIFE magazine Fallout issue, September 15, 1961. #StarTrek
In honor of Gene Roddenberry’s 100th birthday and specifically to piss off Rick Berman at least in spirit, here, have this meme I found at some point (I am sorry, I don’t have the source, I have a very small baby bird memory)
Today would have been Gene Roddenberry’s 100th birthday. It’s awesome that his trailblazing concept and uplifting vision of the heights that humanity can achieve has persevered.
Raise a glass for what would have been Gene Roddenberry’s centennial birthday today.
#GeneRoddenberry #StarTrek
#HappyBirthday to #GeneRoddenberry, born #OnThisDay in 1921
Art by #PaulShipper (@paulshipper)
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #Kirk #Spock #McCoy #Uhura #Scotty #Sulu #Checkov #USSEnterprise
Hoje o criador de #StarTrek, #GeneRoddenberry, estaria completando 100 anos de idade! Sendo uma das franquias mais revolucionárias da humanidade, o legado de Star Trek também passou pelos quadrinhos, chegando até fazer crossover com a #DCComics.
Differences in ideas and attitudes are a delight, part of life's exciting variety, not something to fear.
Happy birthday, #GeneRoddenberry.
Há 100 anos, nascia o criador de Star Trek, Eugene Wesley Roddenberry, o homem que ousou ir aonde ninguém jamais esteve! 🚀
Parabéns ao Grande Pássaro da Galáxia!
Whenever Andromeda is brought up, it's either involved with Mass Effect, or the show based on a failed Gene Roddenberry series.
I think we should really talk about the ship that decided to have two of the big guns mounted.
March 11th is the #anniversary of Gene Roddenberry’s ashes being launched into space. Here are some past #StarTrek #inspired works for #throwbackthursday #tbt #scifiart #scifi #alien #starship #starshipcaptain #generoddenberry #fanart #startrekfanart #starfleet
Polar exploration has always fascinated me for that very reason. As an aside, Gene Roddenberry based Star Trek on explorers at sea. And if he had made a series about that, I would have watched that.