Made a smol comic strip. Amy transforms for the first time, ready to confront Super Rosy (Anti-Amy, for those who don't know). I gave both characters super forms just bc :)

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i know that some of my friends know me from this time but im not sure if any of my old subscribers from my old account still know me

but i was known as DJRosythe(creature)fox 😭
or it having gaming/crafting club at the end of it, not sure

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Anne tends to tease Rosy a lot with her abilities.

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Rosy the Rascal (Anti-Amy) from Sonic Archie comics.

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Been I while since I’ve drawn these two together.

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She wants to watch the world burn. And she'll pour the gasoline.

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Rosy admits she's done bad things. but she's moved on now.

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NickyAU! Nickki and Rosy encounters Prime Sonic and…Nickki’s not so sure on the situation.

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Looks like Shriek finally gets to have that dance she's wanted.

Don't those dresses look great!

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ROSY THE RACAL!! i felt like archie didnt do her justice so ig you can consider this a redesign 🥲

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