Sonamy redraw 2023 vs 2020
I had to change some of the colors bc ofc Amy loves pink and green. And don’t pay too much attention to the posters 😅. Hope you enjoy! 💕✨

29 372

Sonic tasting a strawberry.

Thank you, for this beautiful work!

64 432

Behold a little Pink Punker of an Amy Rose and her hammer of doom! AU-wise, I envision her as a miner/metalsmith who joins the Freedom Fighters after they help liberate her enslaved mining community from Robotnik’s clutches 👍🏼

34 99

Just Amy💕 honestly she’s so adorable she is baby💘😳💫#amyrosethehedgehog

86 502

Ami Rosa lista para el combate.
Amy Rose ready for fighting.

Boceto / sketch:
Líneas y color / lines and color: Me

HD sin marca / markless on Ko-fi page:

0 4

Tuve que hacerles nuevos retoques a este dibujo, el anterior está bien pero al hacerle estos cambios me gusto más el resultado 🥰

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