[Sun God & Demon God Sisters]

Roza: "Let's defeat them, Sis!"
Lucia (Demonic Rage): "As you wish, Sis...😈"

Two sister's unleashing their new potentials to fight againts their adversaries.

8 19

[Morning Sickness Pt. 2]

"Axel was pretty surprised by his wife change of tone today. And he is a little worried."

5 17

[Morning Sickness Pt. 1]

"It was a usual day like always. However, Linda woke up sick and a little annoyed. Which only grow when Axel politely asked if she was ok."

6 20


"Linda being a bit insecure about herself. But her husband always have her back 😊"

9 35

[Drunk Axel]

"Turns out Axel did and say something weird when he is drunk. Alcohol really make people act differently."

10 56

[Special Valentine's Gift]

"The Neko twins has a very unique gift for their partners. And their lovers are very pleased with their gifts 🤍💙"

7 42

[Curious Kitty]

Linda: "Hey, Axel. Can I borrow your phone, I really want to play 🤩"

Axel: "Sure, honey. Of course you can...😏"

13 63

[Linda's Bunny Outfit - Year of Rabbit]

Linda: For this occasion, I turned into a Rabbit hybrid and wear the perfect outfit for this special year ❤️

How do I look?

11 48

[Axel Thundermaw and Linda RoseFire's aged-up design]

Axel Thundermaw - Age: 22
Linda RoseFire - Age 20

4 9

It's time to introduce to you Axel's new hairstyle along with an aged up design.

He's around 22 years old in this drawing.

5 14

[Cute Little Bean Lucia💜]

Lucia is holding your finger with her tiny little hands😊

5 9

[Sister Bonding]

Roza is so happy that she finally meets her little sister, Lucia. She might not be related by blood, but that doesn't matter to her.

She is just happy that she's a part of a family that loves her.

5 14

[Warriors with a Gentle Mind]

Apollo: You think, you're the only one who can do this, huh?

Axel: Heh, I'm impressed, Dad...

2 7

[Warriors of the Soaring Phoenix]

Apollo: It's nice to fight alongside my new grown-up, Son...

Axel: I could say the same thing to you too, Dad...

4 7

[Little Bundle of Joy💜]

Axel: Wow, looks like she's getting a lot bigger now. I can't wait for her to be born soon💙

Linda: Heh heh, yeah she does. And yeah, me too, dear😊

Roza: Hmm, I wonder if it's going to be a boy or a girl.

5 10

"Fate is a mystery to us all... Some led to Righteousness and some led to Destruction..."

"But, that also depends on what path we took... Our actions, decide our own fates..."

6 18

- Linda RoseFire [Blazing Inferno] - [Rage Instinct]

"Don't dare you to look down on me just because I'm a woman..."

"Because they always say; Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned..."

2 8

???: Mortals are curious creatures... But, I'm also interested in the many questions you have for me...

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