Article 12 - I have the right to be listened to, and taken seriously.

How apt for our children returning.
This latest stretch of home learning has been tough on our learners. Now we are all back, we are ready to listen to what our children need.

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Article 21 - I have the right to have the best care if I am adopted - the first concern must be what is best for me.

This week are taking part in the assemblies and activities.

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Article 39 - I have the right to help if I have been hurt, neglected or badly treated.

This week we will be exploring how different types of trauma can have an impact on our lives and where to seek help when it is needed.

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Article 19 - I have the right to be protected from violence, abuse and neglect from adults.

This week we will be discussing how we can access help when we need it.

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Article 17 - I have the right to get information in lots of long as it is safe.

This week we are exploring sources of information, the rating on films/video games and how to spot

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Our Right of the Week is Article 6 - I should be supported to LIVE and GROW.

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Our ROM for March is article 12. Continuing our journey to becoming a Silver Rights Respecting School.

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RRSA Going for Silver Rights Aware
Our Right of the Month is Article 31

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Our Right of the Month is Article 2.
You should not be treated badly because you seem different.

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