We are currently exploring Article 4 - The Government should make sure my rights are respected.

You can support at home by asking:
- Who is entitled to the rights listed in the UNCRC?
- Can anyone take away these rights?

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Article 4 - The Government should make sure my rights are respected.

This week we are celebrating decision to enshrine UNCRC in law in Scotland 🥳

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Article 5 - The Government should respect the right of my family to help me know about my rights .

How many of your rights can you remember?

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Articles 9 & 18 - I have the right to live with a family who cares for me and I have the right to be brought up by both parents if possible (and the government should help with this if necessary).

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Article 22 - If I am a refugee, I have the same rights as children born in that country.

Did you know...Around half of the world’s 26 million refugees are under the age of 18?

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Article 13 - I have the right to find out and share information (in lots of different ways).

How do you like to express yourself...? 🧑‍🍳🧑‍🎤🧑‍🎨🧑‍💻

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Article 36 - Children should be protected from any activities that could harm their development.

We can reflect on our NSPCC 'Speak Out Stay Safe' learning from earlier this session.

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We are considering two rights this week:
Article 34 - Nobody should touch you in ways that make you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or sad.

This ties in to our HWB learning around privacy/consent - https://t.co/ss1oit1w2B

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Article 10 - I have the right to see my family if they live in another country.

A pertinent article to explore this week as travel restrictions across countries have made this a little more difficult...

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We continue to consider Article 24 - I have the right to good quality health care, to clean water and good food.

This week we are focusing on looking after our mental health.


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Article 24 - I have the right to good quality health care, to clean water and good food.

How has our access to clean water (and soap 🧼) helped in our fight against coronavirus?

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Article 29 - Goals of Education

🌍🕣 In the run up to on Saturday, this week we will be exploring how education should help us to develop respect for the natural environment.

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Article 12 - I have the right to be listened to, and taken seriously.

How apt for our children returning.
This latest stretch of home learning has been tough on our learners. Now we are all back, we are ready to listen to what our children need.

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Article 21 - I have the right to have the best care if I am adopted - the first concern must be what is best for me.

This week are taking part in the assemblies and activities.

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Article 39 - I have the right to help if I have been hurt, neglected or badly treated.

This week we will be exploring how different types of trauma can have an impact on our lives and where to seek help when it is needed.

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Article 19 - I have the right to be protected from violence, abuse and neglect from adults.

This week we will be discussing how we can access help when we need it.

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Article 17 - I have the right to get information in lots of ways...so long as it is safe.

This week we are exploring sources of information, the rating on films/video games and how to spot

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Our Right of the Week is Article 6 - I should be supported to LIVE and GROW.

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Our 4th volume is here! Read about children deprived of liberty, sexual minority youth, indigenous suicide clustering, & more!


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Our Right of the Month is Article 2.
You should not be treated badly because you seem different.

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