dragon neo art by RUdragon

65 488

It's December 1st in the UK so you know what that means.....


Art by (TY so much!)

3 11

Dragons goes whooosh! Sifyro crossover with Rudragon.

282 1818

RUdragons B-day>>> January 17, 2011
happy birthday RU, RU been around for 11 years now!!!
hope to make another 11 years.

up next will be mako:
Mako B-day >>>> February 4, 2012


45 300

"I've come for your pickle... AGAIN!" - by JayNatorBuruDragon

89 519

"I've come for your pickle..." - by JayNatorBuruDragon

52 371

made a new pic of Hype the otter. also the 2 old pics of hype. ENjoy^^#rudragon

48 331

here some late B-day art of RU and Mako.
RUdragons B-day>>> January 17, 2011
Mako B-day >>>> February 4, 2012

ENjoy the cute work^^

24 203

Guess I'll just give it a shot!

Is there any way to get my furdragon's tail rated? 😜

(Art by RUdragon)

4 26

today is RUz 10 year anniversary of RU! been drawing RU for 10 years now wow! hope to make another 10^^

37 252

ok one more pic of RU, RU in the new shark hoodie and Ru being cute. if you want link in some pics halloween costumes in the comments, some halloween costumes may like to see RU in ill see if i can sketch some out later. well ENjoy^^

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GIF Anime made by pseudo 3D production application👙😍
Tohru Miss Kobayashi's dragon maid
トール 小林さんちのメイドラゴン

1 1

SO ON THAT HAND THING. RUz hands^^ and some cats^^ also trying out some new STY of coloring. mix of my clean sketch work and cel work. also last pic is the fast sketch and clean sketch of the pic. hope you ENjoy^^

49 280

some new work for this week. also MORE RU!!! and re drawing a old OC Rai-eeko ENjoy^^ PS. may not post finish work for a bit be poststing commission work so you will have to go to my FA DA to see it. any ways things may be slow.TY4understanding

50 304

some new work for this week. a seadog and sea-fur, lol ^^ ENjoy^^ cant wait for NEXT WEEK more RU and redrawing old OC.

43 233

some new work for this week. more RU a NUNBUN and a cute DOG^^ ENjoy^^

61 409