Now the is officially back with the usual RugPull business. Our old ScamⓂ️er in chief ID: 370339925 is now pushing their new Rug ID: 1545549050266664963

6 8

Good bye
The end of the saga...?
The OpenSea collection is still up.
There are new bootleg Boodle Bears and Bunnies out there but they are not worth much.

0 2

Now is RT ....
They really take the entire for a bunch of Fools. This is what happens when a Scam SOLD OUT while legit projects can't even mint 50% of their NFTs. This space belongs to Scammers. 😫

14 14

The is out with their new creation and now they are Warning People against Scammers. They really gave the nerves. You know both are the real Scammers.

27 38

Criminal Skinnys are rugged as the Discord goes dark and the dev is missing for weeks. Farewell ol skinny !


11 24