Prompt: "The sign and sigil of water by Luigi Russolo, oil on canvas" (#StableDiffusion)

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Prompt: "Night sigil circuits by Luigi Russolo and Ernst Fuchs, oil on canvas" (#StableDiffusion)

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Prompt: "The sigil of justice by Luigi Russolo, oil on canvas" (#StableDiffusion)

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Prompt: "The sigil of the cosmos by Luigi Russolo, oil on canvas" (#StableDiffusion)

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Les Edwards. Cover art for Frank Spiering, Berserker, Sphere, 1983 & Serge Brussolo, Opération "Serrures Carnivores", Fleuve Noir, 1987.

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a tacere il rumore
di un pensiero fisso
che non se ne va.

🎨 L. Russolo

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[작가] 오늘은 이탈리아의 화가 『루이지 루솔로(Luigi Russolo)』 가 태어난 날 입니다.
1883.04.30 - 1947.02.04
● Artist CV:

미래주의운동에 참여하여 회화와 음악 영역에서 전위적으로 활동했다.

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, que tengáis un feliz descanso.
Luigi Russolo - Relámpagos,1910. Galleria d'Arte Moderno, Roma.

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Luigi Russolo
Solidity of Fog

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"La persecución" (1959), de Sonia Gechtoff. Abstracto, sí. Pero en el centro se ve algo que recuerda al futurismo dinámico de Severini, Russolo y Boccioni. El nombre pudiera ser una pista.

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Vieni, dammi la mano;
è bene che rincasiamo.
Non dirmi nulla: io so bene
perché tu piangi.
Andiamo, mia piccola, vieni.
– Tu piangi perché fa sera.
(Nino Oxilia)

🎨 Luigi Russolo

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🚗 ? The painting's fragmentation and reassembly of an aerodynamic car into triangles suggest Cubist influences. Dynamism of a Car by Luigi Russolo 1913

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" Evenings " - by the Italian painter Luigi Russolo, (1885 - 1947)

Have a Good Evening ! 💙🙏😘👋💙

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Luigi Russolo (30 April 1885 – 6 Feb 1947) was a Futurist painter, composer, builder of experimental musical instruments, and the author of the manifesto The Art of Noises (1913). He designed and constructed a number of noise-generating devices.

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