(MIRROR No.004 Hologram/DOMINANT INDUSTRY、極光/SALOR、cobtact bechori/Tono&Lims、ラピスラズリの静謐/kobeINK物語)

15 54


9 26

Marathon C0mm Fully Coloured!
@/PalisalOrSo (Warning, “On Main” acc) Palisal!

29 149

there is a right answer but i want to know what you think, a ex salor who was a medic and can use magic with a giant anchor who is a work aholic

0 4

I've always liked vampire stories and right now I'm tied to vampires, demons, exorcisms,policemen, and a romance between boys over a 100 years old that is suffer every moment and everytime that they find is an sensuality and eroticism... a lot of blood and love❤️🩸

1 9

Full Colour Stream C0mm, @/PalisalOrSo (Warning, On Main Account) Roselle in the Lucy Helltaker Fit!

46 306

Happy Wednesday🖤
My little watercolour of the late,Great,Lisa Loring,The original Wednesday Addams🖤

2 7

In honor of the recent passing of Lisa Loring, the original Wednesday Addams, I share this wonderful piece by MedusaD.

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Aw, Lisa Loring, the OG Wednesday Addams passed away...:( R.I.P. Lisa

3 8

Stolen from Salora just now

I swear there are many reasons as to why I kin them and it's not becuz I ship the three of them

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【マグコミ7周年記念 不朽の名作公開中】





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167 509

12/12 : Vassalord (2013), adaptation du manga josei publié dans le magazine Comic Avarus de l'éditeur Mag Garden. Cet OAV était offert au Japon avec le 7è tome du manga. En France, Vassalord est paru chez Soleil mais l'anime est resté inédit.

1 2

26 - Um Mangá BL que Você Considera Uma Obra Prima


Mesmo com nada explícito, fala sobre vampiros (meu gênero favorito) e acho o desenvolvimento de tudo incrível. Além de que, os personagens principais são MARAVILHOSOS. 💕

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Dia 19 "Um manga BL q merece ser + conhecido"

Vassalord. Tô atrasada mas precisava falar desse. Um manga sobre um vampiro e um robô do Vaticano que virou vampiro!!! Olha a doidera desse troço. Só leiam. Sério.

2 9

Dia 19 "Um manga BL q merece ser + conhecido"

Vassalord. O Twitter me gongou + eu voltei, preciso falar desse aqui. Um manga sobre um vampiro e um robô do Vaticano vampiro que só o sangue do seu mestre! Sério, é surreal de bom. Kkkk Leiam

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topic: Latios เอ๊ย! lahti-saloranta m/26

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