Digging through my old art and here is a lil World Heroes' Mission Deku that I doodled after watching the movie
He's such a good boi 🥹💚

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My art arc has come back for a brief moment SLAY

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⛄🎄 𝓜𝒆𝗿𝗿𝛄 𝓒𝒉𝗿𝖏𝙨𝙩𝒎𝝰𝙨 🎄⛄
A little late but I drew something for Christmas!! Bigshroomy & Minishroomy bringing you good vibes for the holidays 🎄🎁

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《 Lone Traveller 》

Full size Sanshroomy reveal??? 👀
Doodled this a while back and finally finished it today 👊

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