Boltclashさん( )からのPixivリクエストでご依頼いただいた、『CHOJO -CryptoGirlsArena-』の「皇恋雪」。メスガキキャラ…? リクエストありがとうございました! 格闘技をやっている人間なら、誰しも一度は自身の格好良い入場シーンや選手コール時のポーズを妄想したことがあるはず…

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babe it's 2AM, time for your indecipherable AthiesArena WIP scribbles

3 51

Pixivリクエストでご依頼いただいた、Boltclashさん()のOC「アスガ」と、『CHOJO -CryptoGirlsArena-』の「皇 恋雪」。

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Post your OC as: Sarenai edition!

1. Romanceable NPC
2. Quest Giver NPC
3. Final Boss of the Game

18 137

She’s desperate for a boyfriend. Maybe even a girlfriend.
late Valentine’s Day post.

2 11

"Kinyoku - Kondo Koso Yurusarenai" by Hirona Aki is on cover of the latest &Flower issue 10/2023.

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some other chibis im proud of, for @/MLederhosen and Sarena on TH!

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Have been playing the old Elder Scrolls games so here's the Champion and The Agent (same OC) from and

3 15

Some of my 2022 drawings that I am particularly proud of.
These are not the most recent ones but the ones that helped me experiment with things that were a bit new to me this year.

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I'm currently drawing Saren Arterius with a weapon I never drew for him (but that he holds in one of his concept arts), and it makes me think that sabers, daggers and all kinds of blades suits him perfectly..

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